
Quickly build custom Docker images for local development without having to write Dockerfiles.



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Install vim and curl using apt-get.

docker run -it --rm $(dugaire build --apt=vim,curl)

Install vim, python3, pip3 using apt-get and install ansible using pip3.

docker run -it --rm $(dugaire build --apt=vim,python3-pip --pip3=ansible)

Install kubectl binary version v1.15.0 (use --with-kubectl=latest to install the latest version).

docker run -it --rm $(dugaire build --apt=vim --with-kubectl=1.15.0)

Do not build the image and just print the Dockerfile:

dugaire build --apt=vim,curl --with-kubectl=latest --output=dockerfile --dry-run

Install (on Linux)

From source

Clone this repository.

git clone https://github.com/tadeugr/dugaire.git

cd to its directory.

cd dugaire

Install it (requires pip).

make install

You should have the command available.

dugaire build --help

Enable autocomplete

To enable autocomplete for your current terminal session, run:

eval "$(_DUGAIRE_COMPLETE=source dugaire)"

Follow the instructions bellow to permanently enable autocomplete.


echo 'eval "$(_DUGAIRE_COMPLETE=source dugaire)"' >> ~/.bashrc


echo 'eval "$(_DUGAIRE_COMPLETE=source dugaire)"' >> ~/.zshrc


Usage: dugaire build [OPTIONS]

  Build Docker images with custom packages.


  Build an image and install vim and curl using apt-get.

  $ dugaire build --apt=vim,curl

  Build an image and install python3 using apt-get and ansible using pip3.

  $ dugaire build --apt=python3-pip --pip3=ansible

  Build an image and install the latest version of kubectl.

  $ dugaire build --with-kubectl=latest

  --from <name:tag>               Base image (used in Dockerfile FROM).
                                  Example: --from=ubuntu:20.04  [default:
                                  ubuntu:18.04; required]

  --name <name:tag>               Image name. Example: --name="myimage:0.0.1"
                                  [default: random]

  --apt <pkg01|pkg01,pkg02>       Comma separeted list of packages (no blank
                                  space) to install using apt-get install.
                                  Requires a base image with apt-get. Example:

  --pip3 <pkg01|pkg01,pkg02>      Comma separeted list of packages (no blank
                                  space) to install using pip3 install.
                                  Example: --pip3=ansible,jinja2==2.11.2

  --with-azurecli latest          Install Azure CLI. Examples: --with-
                                  azurecli=latest / For older versions, use
                                  pip3: --pip3="azure-cli==2.2.0"

  --with-kubectl <latest|semantic versioning>
                                  Install kubectl. Examples: --with-
                                  kubectl=latest / --with-kubectl=1.17.0

  --with-velero <latest|semantic versioning>
                                  Install velero. Examples: --with-
                                  velero=latest / --with-velero=1.5.2

  --force                         Ignore Docker cache and build from scratch.
                                  [default: False]

  --dry-run                       Do not build image.  [default: False]
  --output [image.id|image.id.short|image.name|dockerfile]
                                  Command output options.  [default:

  --help                          Show this message and exit.


Base images


Tested with


ubuntu:18.04 ubuntu:20.04

You may use base images that were built from the tested images.

Package/Dependency Managers


You can install any package available in the distro repository using apt.

Use a comma separated (no blank space) list of packages you want to install. Examples:

dubaire build --apt=wget,iputils-ping


WARNING When using pip3, dugaire will automatically use --apt=python3-pip.

You can install any PyPI package using pip3.

To install the latest versions, use a comma separated (no blank space) list of packages. Examples:

dugaire build --pip3=urllib3,Jinja2

To install specific versions, use a comma separated (no blank space) list of packages between double quotes, each package name must be followed by ==<semantic versioning>. Examples:

dugaire build --pip3="urllib3==1.26.2,Jinja2==2.11.2"



Install Azure Command Line Interface.


All requirements are solved automatically by dugaire:

  • Azure CLI latest version: curl ca-certificates

  • Azure CLI specific versions: gcc python3-pip python3-dev


--with-azurecli=latest to install the latest version.

--pip3="azure-cli==2.2.0" (example) to install specific versions.

See all versions available here.


Covered by automated tests, you may install any package version though.

dugaire build --with-azurecli=latest
dugaire build --from=ubuntu:20.04 --pip3="azure-cli==2.14.2"
dugaire build --from=ubuntu:18.04 --pip3="azure-cli==2.13.0"


Install kubectl.


All requirements are solved automatically by dugaire:

  • curl ca-certificates


--with-kubectl=latest to install the latest version.

--with-kubectl=1.17.0 (example) to install specific versions.

See all versions available here.


Covered by automated tests, you may install any package version though.

dugaire build --from=ubuntu:20.04 --with-kubectl=latest
dugaire build --from=ubuntu:20.04 --with-kubectl=1.18.0
dugaire build --from=ubuntu:20.04 --with-kubectl=1.17.0
dugaire build --from=ubuntu:18.04 --with-kubectl=1.16.0
dugaire build --from=ubuntu:18.04 --with-kubectl=1.15.0


Install velero.


--with-velero requires --with-kubectl.


--with-velero=latest to install the latest version.

--with-velero=1.5.2 (example) to install specific versions.

See all versions available here.


Covered by automated tests, you may install any package version though.

dugaire build --from=ubuntu:20.04 --with-kubectl=latest --with-velero=latest
dugaire build --from=ubuntu:20.04 --with-kubectl=1.17.0 --with-velero=1.5.2

Useful Docker commands

List images created with dugaire

docker images -f label='builtwith=dugaire'

Delete all images created with dugaire

docker rmi -f $(docker images -aq -f label='builtwith=dugaire')

Known issues

RuntimeError: Python 3 was configured to use ASCII as encoding for the environment

If you get an error like this one:

RuntimeError: Click will abort further execution because Python 3 was configured to use ASCII as encoding for the environment. Consult https://click.palletsprojects.com/python3/ for mitigation steps.

It is because dugaire uses Python3 and Click, and according to Click “in Python 3, the encoding detection is done in the interpreter, and on Linux and certain other operating systems, its encoding handling is problematic”. Read more.


Setup your locale correctly, for example if you want to use en_US.UTF-8, run:

apt update && apt-get -y install locales
locale-gen --purge en_US.UTF-8

export LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8"
export LC_CTYPE="en_US.UTF-8"

# Alternatively you can run:
#sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales

Then you should be able to run dugaire.


Product license

Apache License Version 2.0, January 2004. Read more.

FOSSA scan overview


FOSSA Live Project report

The report is available here